
Thanks for feeling generous!

We've partnered with WePay, a trusted online payment transaction company, to make it easy for you to make contributions, payments and donations. You can make a contribution with either your credit card or bank account. You don't need a WePay account to contribute.

By authorizing your contribution you are agreeing to the VolunteerSpot and WePay terms & conditions and privacy policy. After contributing, you will automatically return to VolunteerSpot and receive a printable receipt via email. If paying by credit card, look for a charge from WePay in your statement. Your Organizer will get an email alert that you made a contribution or payment. The organizer can make a withdrawal of funds per the WePay terms of use.

VolunteerSpot works with WePay to ensure that all contributions go directly to your organizer automatically - and in real-time. WePay charges a flat fee of 3.5% + 30 cents per transaction. All fees are deducted from each transaction automatically so you're never billed for anything.

By using the VolunteerSpot service to contribute funds, you agree to the following: 1) You are at least 18 years of age. 2) You will comply with all local, state/provincial, regional & national laws in your area of residence.


We do not engage in any solicitation activities; such activities are carried out by our users on their own initiative. If your agency has any concerns that a law is being violated by our users, please report it to us immediately and we will work to address your concern.

**We are not the same company as WePay and their fees and commissions are subject to change without notice from us, although we will try to keep this up to date. You may read the WePay User Agreement in its entirety here: https://www.wepay.com/about/terms. You may also read our VolunteerSpot Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

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